3 Simple Cleaning Hacks to Improve Productivity

One of my goals in 2018 is to find a cleaning routine that actually works for me. With young children and daycare kids, I realize my house will never be spotless (and I’m okay with that!) but I’ve found myself overwhelmed and stressed about the state of my home and had to do something. I have implemented a few small changes to how I clean and they have made a big difference already!

I don’t know about you but I have tried so many different “routines” and “checklists” and such to get the perfect cleaning routine down. Unfortunately, nothing has really stuck. I have taken things from each and I seem to be piecing together a routine that works for me… ahh the “fun” puzzles we get to do as adults!

These three simple cleaning hacks (really, almost silly how easy they are!) have helped my productivity immensely- I hope they inspire and help you too!

  1. Music

    Turning Pandora on my phone and rocking to some 90s Country (hey, its good stuff!) always helps me enjoy cleaning a little bit more. Let’s be honest, cleaning is not fun but blasting out some good tunes and embarrassing my kids with my singing sure helps.

    Studies have shown that listening to positive, upbeat music can improve your overall mood, help you to complete tasks more quickly, and can reduce stress- so turn up the tunes!!

  2. Timer

    After turning on Pandora and gathering any cleaning supplies I may need, I set a timer on my phone. This is usually 15-30 minutes, depending on the task at hand and how much time I have available. I then race to see how much I can do in the allotted time. Almost all of the time I can complete multiple areas when I speed clean- talk about motivating!

    When the timer goes off, I take a break or move onto something else. Knowing there is an end in sight helps keep me focused. I may have to return to the area if it was particularly messy or I’m actually deep cleaning, but then I re-set the timer and continue where I left off.

    Tidying can be overwhelming when you look at everything that needs to be done in the whole home but when you focus on one area and know you will only be cleaning for “x” amount of time, it doesn’t seem as daunting.

  3. Tidy Tote

    This is an idea that I got from a fellow blogger, ClutterBug (check out her YouTube channel– she is awesome!). Grab a tote (or laundry basket/box- just make sure its easily portable and small enough for you to carry) and during your tidy-time, go around the space and grab anything that doesn’t belong. Place all items in your tote and after you have finished the area, put all the items in their proper place. I use a 31 Bags tote similar to [easyazon_link identifier=”B078G48Y6D” locale=”US” tag=”modern0fb-20 “]this[/easyazon_link] (affiliate link).

    It really is amazing how much this helps with productivity. If you are anything like me, my ADD kicks in once I get sidetracked from the task at hand. Constantly leaving the room to put away items is distracting and ends up taking a lot longer. Using the tote, I am able to de-clutter the area quickly, get motivated by seeing results, and efficiently put the items in their correct spot.

    It’s a game changer.

    I use this trick with my kids too. They each get similar but smaller totes and they love… okay, that’s a stretch… they tolerate it more when we make it a game. I set the timer and they run around the house (usually I give them a couple rooms), picking up anything that does not belong. The one who fills and puts away (in the correct place!) the most totes gets a special treat/reward (in reality, they all get something). More than once, they have told me how much fun they had when its over. I think it helps them as well when they have a timer and a specific task. Plus, my kids are super competitive ;).

Don’t get me wrong, my house is almost always a disaster and home keeping is my biggest homemaker struggle. However, these few things help me keep my home manageable and improve my sanity… every little bit helps (can I get an Amen?!).

I hope these three tips help you with your cleaning routine!

Tell me in the comments- what’s a cleaning tip that you use?

Until next time,


*If you are really bored… head over to Facebook and check out my video-debut. Me speed-cleaning my living room is entertaining, at best 😀



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